Issue 60 of Small Carnivore Conservation
Issue 60 of the group’s journal Small Carnivore Conservation has been finalised. The issue has several interesting articles:
Two observations of Pousargues’s Mongoose Dologale dybowskii in Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda
Yellow-bellied Weasel Mustela kathiah preying on a rat Niviventer in Darjeeling, India
New records for the first time in six decades of the Vulnerable Marbled Polecat Vormela peregusna in Iraq
Evidence of Spotted Linsang Prionodon pardicolor post-weaning parental care
A camera-trap record of a Crab-eating Mongoose Herpestes urva from the Indian portion of the Terai Arc Landscape in Nandhaur Wildlife Sanctuary, north-west India
A record of a North American Raccoon Procyon lotor charging at a Coyote Canis latrans
The full issue and its articles can be found here:
Happy reading!